All About Hearing

One of the interesting things about being married to an historian is that you make stops that normal people don’t. In this case, we were on our way to a week at the Maryland shore before attending Matt’s wedding in Baltimore. Interstates I-70 and I-68 follow much of the old National Road (now US-40 for the most part.) Anyway, we were about to pass through Cumberland, Maryland where the eastern end of the National Road originated at the Potomac River. Since we stopped previously in Vandalia, Indiana where the Road terminated we had to stop to see the beginning point. Traveling into Cumberland on US-40 we spotted this Big Ear, outside the “All About Hearing” shop. We circled back, got the shot and had a nice chat with the proprietors of the shop. (BTW, the National Road was the first major road to use the new macadam road surface.)


All About Hearing

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