LA Coca Cola Bottle

After visiting The Broad and having lunch at downtown’s Grand Central Market we were on our way to the Fashion District for a little shopping.  Along the way we passed the LA Coca Cola bottling plant and what did we spot but these decorative Big Coke bottles.  Had to stop and grab an image.


LA Coca Cola Bottle

Hagerstown Coke

Spring Break this year found us traveling to Philadelphia to catch up with family as well as seeing 7 month old Nate. We thought about dropping down to DC to see the Cherry Blossoms but with the unseasonable cold weather they were delayed. We decided to visit Harper’s Ferry instead. We found a nice Bed and Breakfast and spent time visiting the National Historic Park. On the way home we went up to Hagerstown to grab this big coke bottle on the roof of a Coke distributorship. I have two other images from this trip, both located in the Big Objects section.


Hagerstown Coke

Tennessee Coke

On our way to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a little R&R, we passed through Pigeon Forge, it was a busy Monday afternoon and traffic was moving slowly. Eagle-eyed Deb spotted this first of many Big Things present in town. We made a quick U-turn and grabbed this Big Coke out in front of the Country Bottle Shop selling Coca Cola Collectibles. The bottle says “Return for Deposit,” I wonder what the deposit is for a bottle this size?


Tennessee Coke

Woody the Root Beer Man

This is Woody the Root Beer Man in Oglesby, Illinois. Wow, a drive-in! I was holding my root beer float when Henry Moore – that’s M-double O-R-E, (he made a point of getting the spelling right) introduced himself. Makes you wonder how many times he delivered that line. At any rate he was delightful. He owned the restaurant for 50 years, purchased it after WWII, and then sold to his son. Now he is an employee. This was a man living his dream. Thanks Mr. M-double O-R-E. The float was good too.

root beer

Woody the Root Beer Man

Seaside Heights Pepsi

We were off to an early start to capture some Big Things “Down the Shore” in Seaside Heights, NJ.  We spotted this unique guy(?) holding a pepsi can.  Of course we had to get this, but the attraction was not yet open.  Not to be deterred the Chief Photographer talked our way in and we were able to get this image.  A pretty good one-of-a kind.


Seaside Heights Pepsi

IGA Pepsi

Well while not inflatable, not exactly substantial either. I wonder how the purists (if there were any) would view this six pack. I like Pepsi better than Coke but I’m not a Republican, go figure. This was shot about 1/2 mile from home one lucky Saturday during the IGA parking lot sale.


IGA Pepsi

Alabma Coke

“Gads, another inflatable. Has this man no sense of propriety?” A big Bronx cheer to you. Found this while out with a salesman in Alabama. You can tell by my clothes when I’m working (ha, ha!) Opportunity and chance make up a big portion of this hobby.


Alabama Coke