Surfside Chairs

Hey Romeo, here’s to my Italian Bird Dog. He gave me info on these chairs. I just never made it to LBI. We usually hit the shore south of Atlantic City. These were both in front of Surfside Casual Furniture on Rt. 72 just east of US-9. Could be easy to miss if you weren’t looking for them.


Surfside Chairs


Surfside Chair

Jan’s Chair

A pretty good quality Big Chair. It’s not always outside, note the casters on the bottom of the legs. I got this image courtesy of my Bird Dog Jan. She has a pretty good sense of humor even though she she works in HR. (That might be a mistake, poking fun at HR, but we (me) Big Picture Takers live close to the edge.)


Jan’s Chair

Sue’s Chair

See, another Bird Dog shot thanks to Sue. On US-40 between Malaga and Elmer. This was a last chance shot since the furniture store where this chair was located was closing soon. Sue told me about this chair but I put it off until I heard the store was closing. Kind of feel like Lily Tomlin.


Sue’s Chair