
I suppose if there were other people that did what I do they would object to including inflatables as not being “substantial.” I take the opposite view. I like finding Big Things and since inflatables are so transitory they are more than found art, they are lucky timing art. Wendy is a case in point. Thanks to Nancy.



Zinn’s Diner

I think that when I found Mr. Zinn I realized what “found art” meant. We had stopped for breakfast here and were walking up to the diner when lo and behold a big picture opportunity! And this wasn’t this first time we stopped as Zinn’s either. Let that be a lesson to you.


Zinn’s Diner

Trio Tire Muffler Man

This is the Trio Tire Man on US-30 in Berlin, NJ. I have several of these guys. There is almost a cult being developed by the guys that write “Roadside America.” They call them Muffler Men. If you have a sense of humor and enjoy the offbeat things people do, check out these guys.


Trio Tire Muffler Man

Winslow Twp, NJ Muffler Man

Check out this face. Mad Magazine and 30 feet tall! These big guys come with the same body but a variety of heads and garb. I wonder if the salesman has one of those books with celluloid overlays to compare different looks?

Winslow Twp,   NJ Muffler Man

Winslow Twp, NJ Muffler Man

Seattle Muffler Man

Went hunting for this guy up in Seattle area. Another case of knowing he was out there. However, the location was not quite as described by my source. Close enough that I was able to find him. Couldn’t get any closer than this.


Seattle Muffler Man

Paul & Babe

Paul & The Babe outside St. Ignace, MI. The only time I spent money to get a “Big Picture.” It cost 50 cents (25 cents apiece) to get into this little park from the gift shop. Not much of a gift shop either!


Paul & Babe

Grayling Paul Bunyon

A Paul Bunyon in Grayling, MI. There are lot’s of Paul’s spread out over the upper mid-West. I think he is made out of car parts. This was the first of many big pictures taken on my original “Big Picture” safari. To see the others taken on this trek, look for the hat!


Grayling Paul Bunyon

Mr. Bendo

Caught this Big Guy outside Ralph’s Muffler Shop in Indianapolis on 16th Street a couple of miles East of the track. He’s Mister Bendo and I understand he’s been there a while and is a local icon. Thanks Mike for climbing over the cars.


Mr. Bendo